Saturday, 4 March 2017

Benefits of rooting your android device.

Benefits of rooting your android device. 

A thing to notice that with different kind of Android phones available, The same rooting technique may not work for all. So before root your android phone you need to a certain whether or not a particular rooting method actually work for your device. you should know that doing so will void the manufacturer's warranty on your device and there is a small chance improper rooting can damage your devices. 

Flash of custom Rom...

This is one of the best benefit of rooting an android device. In simple term, A custom rom is modified version of android that you can install if you are not happy with the android version that your device comes with adding a new version. Samsung device are usually rooted of all.


Having a backup of data and setting is highly recommended . Should a user wants to migrate to a new android handset the deleted data the current handset for any reason then a backup must be readily available. This is also useful even if the user is not rooting his devise.

Flash of the custom kernel 

A kernel allows app on the phone to communicate directly with the hardware of the phone. A custom kernel helps to improve the performance of the phone, enhance battery life, Speed up battery charging, and also add advance feature such as WiFi on certain phones that do not come with this option. 

  Basically, rooting allows users to reach into the darkest corner of their phone and make the most of the change that are possible....

Lock a folder with free folder protector

Lock a Folder With free folder protector


1) This program uses a simple method to lock files and should not to protect truly sensitive information. It is best to encrypt that kind of information.

2) Do not refresh your windows when your folder is locked. Doing that will delete your files.

How to use folder protector?

When you run folder protector first time, the program will ask you for a password that you want to be use. Enter a password that you can remember as this will be the password to your protected folder. 

After entering password, the program will open a folder named secured files. This is your protected folder you can add all privates files in this folder. This folder is locked at desktop. After adding your all files, you may close this folder.

Then you can use the menu in the program to lock your folder. After successfully locking the folder, Folder protector will display that the folder is locked.

Unlocking the protector folder is easy. Just type unlock as your action. Then the program will ask you to enter your password. After successfully entering your password, the program will display the contents of your protected folder.

Changing the password : Just type change as your action. The program will ask you for your current password. After successful entering your password, the program will ask you to new password and change it instantly. 



Step 1 ) Open cmd, just type cmd in search or press Win + x key to select command prompt.

Step 2) Right click on the title of the cmd window and select properties just like it shown in the below picture.

Step 3 ) You will see a pop up window coming up, Now on the right hand side , Under edit option just check Quick Edit mode and click ok.

Step 4 ) Everything is done. Now just copy any text from here or anywhere else using Ctrl + C key and just right click using your mouse on cmd. you will see that the text is been paste automatically in cmd.

Here main understanding is that using Ctrl + C to copy text is important.

Secure your Android being haked

How To Secure Your Android Being Haked  

Below  are the some methods by which you can easily secure your android device to be hacked by hackers, So better choice to be implement to all these methods and stay safe with your device.

Avoid third party App :-  Any thing download from unofficial site can cost you huge, no doubt you can get some paid application free but there are many virus in the file that are you taking with you with the app. So better is to avoid third party installation and use only and use only official site like google play store to download the file or you can say app.

Use data encryption setting :- The best way to secure your android is to encrypt all the securities with strong password. This will greatly help you to protect your android from and unauthorized access and all your data and privacy will be secure by this.

Always keep the software of your device update :- New update of android always come with some new features and with fixing of the bug that might preset in the previous version and ifyou don't update the device then  the hacker might use that can hake your android. 

Don't store your password in any app :-  In android different app sync with each other, So don't save your password in any off third party app as this can be easily cracked by any other app. 

Don't use public/free WiFi:- Always remember that the free WiFi can cost you huge as hacker can easily bypass all securities through this WiFi and can easily hack you android device and access your personal data.