Wednesday 22 February 2017

Create an iphone hotspot

How to create an iphone hotspot

Step 1 ; Tap the setting icon.

Step 2: Then tap on cellular and turn on cellular data.Make sure to set it to 3G or 4G in the cellular data option.

Step 3 : Go bake tap personal hotspot and turn it on.

Step 4 : Tap on wifi password and enter password you would like to connect your device. At the same time it will prevent other from from connecting to your wireless hotspot.

What are the dangers of creating an iphone hotspot...

  • There is always possibility that someone will try to connect to your iphone hotspot and use your bandwidth without your knowledge. If you have set up a password so you should not worry about this. How ever someone guess your password you will be notified when he or she get connected to the wifi hotspot.If this happen so you can react in time.

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