Saturday 4 March 2017

Lock a folder with free folder protector

Lock a Folder With free folder protector


1) This program uses a simple method to lock files and should not to protect truly sensitive information. It is best to encrypt that kind of information.

2) Do not refresh your windows when your folder is locked. Doing that will delete your files.

How to use folder protector?

When you run folder protector first time, the program will ask you for a password that you want to be use. Enter a password that you can remember as this will be the password to your protected folder. 

After entering password, the program will open a folder named secured files. This is your protected folder you can add all privates files in this folder. This folder is locked at desktop. After adding your all files, you may close this folder.

Then you can use the menu in the program to lock your folder. After successfully locking the folder, Folder protector will display that the folder is locked.

Unlocking the protector folder is easy. Just type unlock as your action. Then the program will ask you to enter your password. After successfully entering your password, the program will display the contents of your protected folder.

Changing the password : Just type change as your action. The program will ask you for your current password. After successful entering your password, the program will ask you to new password and change it instantly. 

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